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Dr WILFRED MONTEIRO is India's renowned SALES TRAINER & COACH WHO HAS SPEARHEADED MANY SALES TURNAROUND CAMPAIGNS IN HIS CLIENT COMPANIES He has fostered THOUGHT LEADERSHIP through numerous public seminars lectures and writings He is famed for innovative management ideas, managing senior level projects and for delivering creative client solutions across markets and businesses, he has demonstrable, time-tested capacity to build "Peak Performance Organisations. Dr Monteiro is a distinguished professor of Strategic Leadership and Organisation Development at India’s premier management institutes; advisor to board of directors for sales turnaround programs

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Every sales manager should be made aware of the salesforce member lifecycle as a way of making sure that their work is targeted to the specific stages of an salesforce member's interaction with the company.


Managing salesforce performance begins with managing the satisfaction of the sales team.The costs component of a company's Sales force can be as large as 80% for a market intensive company. A large proportion of these costs will relate to the hiring, firing and everything in between for the recruitment, retention and release of an salesforce member. It is important, therefore, to understand and appreciate the benefits of knowing and understanding the basic elements of an salesforce member lifecycle and how managing managing salesforce member satisfaction can help to create a winning sales performance

Although models and descriptions of an salesforce member lifecycle will vary, the most common terms that will be found include the following stages: recruitment, orientation, development, progression and departure. From this last point, the cycle will start over: a new salesforce member for the company, a new company for the former salesforce member. It is important to remember that different keywords may be used in examples of salesforce member lifecycles but the basic concept remains the same. From one company to another, it is possible to adapt the salesforce member lifecycle to suit the individual needs of each company and HR department.

The beginning stage of the salesforce member lifecycle is, quite obviously, the recruitment stage. It is during the recruitment phase that the salesforce member-employer relationship is first established. First impressions are possible, introductions are made and, depending on how all stages of the recruitment are conducted, it becomes the starting point for the salesforce member lifecycle. In regards to the salesforce member lifecycle, the recruitment stage may cover more than just the traditional methods of hiring an salesforce member. For example, the first stage of the salesforce member lifecycle could also cover scenarios where the salesforce member is transferred to a new department or subsidiary company as the salesforce member process starts over from the beginning once more.

Once a decision is made to accept the transferral or hire a new recruit, the orientation phase begins. Alternatively known as the settling-in stage or the induction; this part of the salesforce member lifecycle is about allowing the salesforce member to familiarise themselves with the company and explore the responsibilities of the role. Decisions need to be made about the time for the orientation to last and how quickly to share information with the new salesforce member. It also important to strike the right balance between being involved in your salesforce member's induction period while also giving them enough space to find their own way in the company. My experience has  shown that the orientation can offer long term benefits in terms of company retention.

In order to increase the likelihood of salesforce member retention, it is necessary to invest time in the development of an salesforce member. Both personally and professionally, if a company enables its salesforce members to develop, it will be able to satisfy the needs of those salesforce members. This could range from allowing salesforce members time off to develop new personal skills or further any established hobbies or set time aside for professional training courses funded by the company as part of its commitment to the future of its salesforce members. Engaging the workforce by presenting them with a visible focus on their professional development will help to ensure that the salesforce members are invested in the success of the company as much as the managers are.
The future prospects for salesforce members will often dictate how long a person will spend with any particular company. Progression opportunities could refer to financial benefits (increase in salary, monetary bonuses, etc.) or to psychological success (supervisor title, managerial responsibilities, etc.). Most importantly, progression for the salesforce member lifecycle should reflect the tenure of their stay with the company and the educational qualifications that would make an salesforce member a good candidate for progression within the company. Other positive targets for progression could include rewards and similar forms of recognition that highlight their achievements and outline the future.

At some point, every salesforce member will leave their job. The only difference between salesforce members is the how, why and when that is involved in leaving the job and ending the salesforce member lifecycle. At this point, the salesforce member has gone full circle from starting out with the company, continuing along the chain and finally reaching the end stage. The relevance of this point is to minimise the risks on both sides. Where the parting is done on pleasant terms, the separation can be a positive opportunity for both company and salesforce member. The salesforce member will venture out into another part of the business world, while the company could gain from having someone who could forge new networking possibilities. This works both ways - the former salesforce member and the company should always remember that word of mouth is the strongest tool in promotion.

The journey of an salesforce member from the start of their relationship with a company right through to the very end is just one example of the most common lifecycles in the business world. It easily defines the contributions of both salesforce member and company to the success in the salesforce member-company relationship. Every sales manager  should be made aware of the salesforce member lifecycle as a way of making sure that their work is targeted to the specific stages of an salesforce member's interaction with the company.
With best wishes
Dr Wilfred Monteiro